Friday, August 12, 2011

Donauturm - Danube Tower

What:   Danube Tower
Where: Donaupark, Vienna, Ausrtia
When:  on any day of the year, Monday-Sunday 10 a.m. to midnight!
Why:    the greatest and unique view of Vienna and suburbs!

The Danube Tower was built by Austrian architect Prof. Hannes Lintl and were opened in the Donaupark in 1964.

Do you know the main technical facts of Danube Tower?

Tower overall height - 252 m

Main level (height) - 165 m

Weight - 17,000 tons

Diameter - at the ground level 12 m;
going down to 6 m in a height of the 160 m

Foundation depth - 8 m, diameter - 31m

Impressed at an amazing view, you also can enjoy a delicious dinner in the turnable restaurants at the tower!

If you want to look on Vienna from the Danube Tower again, you can use web-cam here

Enjoy your life!

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